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John Halderman has found a way around BMG's CD copy protection -- hold down the Shift key. Its fitting of a Sandra Bullock movie. According to Halderman, the copy protection, provided by SunnComm Technologies, works as the CD is...

Oh the Irony…

And from the "eye for an eye" files... Sharman Networks, the company that distributes the "Kazaa Media Desktop" software whose users are being targetted by the RIAA, is now suing the RIAA for... get this... Copyright infringement. Earilier this year, in...

RIAA’s Dilemna

There is a whole generation of people entering the workforce out of University that don't know a world without personal computers. They have had broadband access to the Internet since before they could do square roots. Napster...

This is getting stupid

The music industry's desperation is showing. Now they are trying to charge anyone and everyone to save their dying industry. SOCAN (The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) has sent a letter to dentists...
This is the headline that the RIAA doesn't want to see. In the zeal of launching 261 lawsuits against file-sharers, they have undoubtably caught some "criminals" that the public will sympathize with. 12 year old girls, single mothers or...

A Look in the Mirror

A new study from AT&T Laboratories and the University of Pennsylvania shows that a whopping 77% of pirated movies available on file sharing networks appear to be "inside jobs". A majority of films have either been released online...

Universal Fights Back

With a 20% drop in sales over the past 3 years, the music industry is finally understanding that they can't just sit back and whine about piracy. They need to win their customers back. Universal Music Canada is trying...

iTunes raises legal questions

Logic would dictate that if I buy a CD, then I can resell it. Does this logic hold up if it is a digital song purchased from iTunes? George Hotelling wants to know. He purchased "Double Dutch...

Kazaa all you want

The RIAA has come up with this brilliant strategy. "We're not making any money, so let's sue our customers!" Nice move guys. Let me know how that works for you! It's a moot point in Canada though....
Michaella Stephens has calculated that it will take 800,000 days for the RIAA to sue all 60 million P2P music file traders at a rate of 75 per day. That, of course assumes that the RIAA has any...

SCO Cancels IBM Licence

The 100 day deadline expired on Friday, and today, SCO has revoked IBM's right to use their Unix Operating System, AIX. SCO claims that their action today prevents IBM from selling new licences of AIX, and that all...

Next Moves for SCO

As the deadline for the SCO vs IBM resolution passed at midnight last night, many are watching to see what their next moves are. There is speculation that SCO could try to request a preliminary injuction against IBM,...

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