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A Look in the Mirror

A new study from AT&T Laboratories and the University of Pennsylvania shows that a whopping 77% of pirated movies available on file sharing networks appear to be "inside jobs". A majority of films have either been released online...

SCO Deadline Approaches

When SCO launched it's now infamous lawsuit against IBM on March 7, they gave IBM 100 days to resolve the matter. That 100 day mark puts the deadline at June 13. SCO has said that it has...
This is the headline that the RIAA doesn't want to see. In the zeal of launching 261 lawsuits against file-sharers, they have undoubtably caught some "criminals" that the public will sympathize with. 12 year old girls, single mothers or...

Oh the Irony…

And from the "eye for an eye" files... Sharman Networks, the company that distributes the "Kazaa Media Desktop" software whose users are being targetted by the RIAA, is now suing the RIAA for... get this... Copyright infringement. Earilier this year, in...
The FCC regulator in the US has suddenly gone into high gear since the "Wardrobe Malfunction" incedent. Suddenly all live broadcasts are on delay, and the FCC is looking at every broadcast under a microscope. Nigel Wally...

The SCO Saga

SCO has been on a legal rampage over its claims that some of their intellectual property exists in the Open Source Linux Operating System. They launched a $1 billion lawsuit against IBM in March, followed by sending 1500...

SCO Cancels IBM Licence

The 100 day deadline expired on Friday, and today, SCO has revoked IBM's right to use their Unix Operating System, AIX. SCO claims that their action today prevents IBM from selling new licences of AIX, and that all...

Free iTunes Low-Tech Hack

Pepsi's now infamous Superbowl commercial featuring 16 children that had been sued by the RIAA for file sharing has been pushing people to get free iTunes download codes from the cap of Pepsi bottles. Someone didn't QA these bottles though....

Never Trust a Bot

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has been on a rampage trying to protect its artists from piracy. It uses a program, called a bot, to scan the Internet for keywords indicating that their material is...

Universal Fights Back

With a 20% drop in sales over the past 3 years, the music industry is finally understanding that they can't just sit back and whine about piracy. They need to win their customers back. Universal Music Canada is trying...

Antitrust hits Apple

Noting that Apple has an 80% market share on legal music downloads, and 90% of the market share of portable music players, a judge in California has given the go-ahead for an antitrust suit against the Apple monopoly. Currently, you...

Which is a worse crime?

The DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) which has been so badly abused in the last few years is undergoing a facelift. They're making it worse! As the Inquirer points out, it puts these crimes into perspective. "The new law...

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