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Apple has it's big event on October 16 at 10am PT, 1pm ET.  Here's a roundup of all of the liveblogs scheduled to cover it.  Let me know in the comments if I've missed any! Apple's Official Livestream Mashable ...
Twitter has become my primary way of getting news these days.  News sites require you to go and look for information.  With twitter, if the news is important, it will find me. But what makes twitter so powerful...
Yesterday, we at b5media launched the third of our unique look at the blogs within our channels.  Splendicity is a new portal which pulls content from over 70 Beauty & Style blogs within the network, and pulls it all...
We've heard how todays economy affects Joe the Plumber and Joe Six-pack, but what about JoeTek? :) This economic downturn has been compared to the Great Depression in the 1930's, but the technology sector as we know it...
This past week, the technology team at b5media threw on the afterburners to get us moved onto an entirely new infrastructure.  After months of planning and investigating a dozen hosting providers, we have finally flipped the switch...
The next version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8 went to Beta 2 yesterday, on its final path to release, probably this fall (although Microsoft hasn't announced a final release date yet).  Although I almost exclusively use Firefox for...

Move along…

The last year and a half has been a wonderfully exciting and eye-opening experience into the world of "Green". When Green Living Enterprises realized that they had an opportunity to have a real content-rich website instead of their... relaunches

Big shout out to the gang at! Looks like they have done a relaunch with a completely different look and feel. They've moved to a horizontal navbar for the main and sub navigation, improved the branding,...

Microsoft and Yahoo

So Microsoft has thrown it down. After over a year of speculation, they have dropped a whopping $44.6 Billion to buy Yahoo in their bid to play "catch up" to Google. The Yahoo/Microsoft deal is not yet...

Being sociable

Here's a list of some of the social networking sites I am on. Facebook Digg LinkedIn Flickr Reddit MySpace Newsvine Pownce StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Go ahead and friend me!
I now have a bunch of Joost invitations for anyone that is interested. Leave a note in the comments with your first and last name, and the email address in the separate field (which won't be shown), and...
Today, my latest project launched! Take a peek at Green Living Online, the new site for Green Living Magazine which promotes healthy lifestyles that are good for you, your family and the environment. Our partnership with the...

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