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Joost update

So I eventually got a Joost token to try out the newest product from the folks that brought you Kazaa and Skype. It's a great concept. It is basically a cross between a p2p network and a...
See when the Shuttle is flying over you! Using real-time tracking and Google Maps, track the live location of the Space Shuttle now in flight! It uses AJAX for real-time updates and even shows your location on...

Joetek V3

Welcome to the new-look Joetek website! In addition to cutting over from Movable Type to Wordpress as the engine, this new site allows individual-post permalinks, category and monthly archives, and the return of comments! Enjoy, and let me know what you...

Polyphasic Sleep

Steve Pavlina is running an experiment on Polyphasic Sleep. Okay, this is really cool. He has shifted his sleeping patterns to sleep 6 half-hour naps a day, instead of one 8 hour sleep. How would you...

’10 and ’12

Congrats to my former co-workers at CTV and TSN for snagging the broadcast rights to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and the 2012 Summer Olympics! Taking those away from the CBC was no small feat! Combining forces with...


Back with a vengence! All settled in the new job, and loving it. It's a fun, high growth group with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. All settled and married to my wonderful new wife. I never realized how much...

Break from Break

Okay, too much happening to stay away, so I'll just list some of the highlights. SpaceShipOne has made it's first flight. They need to make a second flight within 2 weeks for the XPrize, but although the first flight...

A little break…

I'm going to take a break from this blog for a couple of months. Maybe come back in July. Between starting a new job, and planning a wedding, I'm spread a little thin at the moment. ...

New Job!

As of today, I am the new Operations Manager at Exposoft Solutions Inc. Exposoft builds Event Registration and Management systems. It is a small, but quickly growing company with an enthusiastic and passionate team bent on customer...

Lighten up at Work

A new study suggests that workers that are friendly at work are more productive. Researchers at the University of Michigan claim that keeping emotion out of the workplace also cuts down on the "bandwidth" of communication. Friendly workers pay...

Bye bye Blogger today adds new features and functionality to your favorite technology journal. Joetek has moved from the ubiquitous Blogger to the full-featured tool MovableType. For you, the reader, you will find a number of new features: -...

Comdex Canada Delayed

Comdex Canada, originally scheduled for September 16-18, 2003 has been delayed until March 24-26, 2004. This was to be the first Comdex since Key3Media, the former host of the annual event, went bankrupt and transfered the responsibility of...

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