Break from Break

Okay, too much happening to stay away, so I’ll just list some of the highlights.

SpaceShipOne has made it’s first flight. They need to make a second flight within 2 weeks for the XPrize, but although the first flight did make it above the required 100km (it got to 100.12km), they did so despite some fairly major glitches. I’m guessing they will iron out these problems before trying again. They’ll have to try again for the 2 week window.

In other news, Apple and BMW have teamed up, offering an integrated solution to plug your iPod into your car, listening through your audio system and selecting tracks through the steering wheel. Gotta get one of those!

And finally, not only has Comdex Canada been cancelled, but the big one, Comdex Las Vegas has also been cancelled. There haven’t been any good releases out of that show in years anyway.

Back to wedding planning…


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