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The last year and a half has been a wonderfully exciting and eye-opening experience into the world of "Green". When Green Living Enterprises realized that they had an opportunity to have a real content-rich website instead of their...
It's been awhile since I've seen some up to date traffic numbers from, but as they rolled out their new look and feel, they released some of their numbers. Today, attracts an average of 4.9 million unique visitors...
Alot of people were talking after last year's timely visit from former U.S. Vice President Al Gore to the inaugural Green Living Show, about how we could top that. Well, I don't know if you can compare, but...
Toshiba announced today that they would be discontinuing their production and support of the HD-DVD format, leaving Sony's Blu-Ray format as the "winner". It's nice to have the format war done so that the industry can move on......
Last week, after a long battle with Apple, Think Secret was shut down. Apple has been trying to muzzle the Apple rumour site for a while now, to stop them from publishing leaked reports of their upcoming products....

Being sociable

Here's a list of some of the social networking sites I am on. Facebook Digg LinkedIn Flickr Reddit MySpace Newsvine Pownce StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Go ahead and friend me!

New arrival

I am proud to announce the birth of our son, Jackson Johar Taiabjee, on Oct 18, 2007. Both Jack and mom are doing great! You can find pics and more on Jack's blog at <a

Quick way to gzip your CSS

The quickest and easiest way to speed up your website is to add mod_gzip to your pages. Basically what it does is takes any .html page on the server, and uses gzip compression to shrink the file before...

Joetek Server Move

Hi Folks, Over the past few weeks we have been in the process of moving the system to a new offsite location to address the reliability issues. Suddenly, that process has been put into high gear. Lots of...
The Interactive Friend Thing allows you to visualize your friend list in a way that groups together people that are friends of each other. It naturally sorts itself into groups that you worked with, or went to school...
A new feature was added to Google Maps last week that allows you to zoom right in to view what the street looks like in the major cities. Already, Top Sightings sites have popped up showing off some of...
Today, my latest project launched! Take a peek at Green Living Online, the new site for Green Living Magazine which promotes healthy lifestyles that are good for you, your family and the environment. Our partnership with the...

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