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NASA scientists have found enough evidence from the different sensors aboard the Opportunity rover to believe that the area around the rover was awash with liquid water at some point in the past. Steve Squires told a news conference this...
There is a definate buzz in the air at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California that has been growing all weekend. We'll find out for sure what all the fuss is about now that NASA has scheduled a...

Close Call

On January 13, Astronomers around the world believed that a newly discovered asteroid, 30m in diameter, had a 1 in 4 chance of hitting the Earth within the following 36 hours, somewhere in the northern hemisphere. An object...

The New Space Race

Just weeks after U.S. President George W. Bush announced plans for NASA to send a person to Mars, the European Space Agency has followed suit. The ESA's program - codenamed "Aurora" - is much more detailed. The first step...
NASA's Opportunity rover has worked flawlessly since its "hole-in-one" landing last Saturday. Today, it "stood-up", stretching its wheels from its travelling position. It could roll off the lander for the final 10 feet of its journey onto...

NASA is back

At 11:30, last night, "Spirit" entered the Martian Atmosphere. In the 6 minutes that followed, anxious scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ticked off each milestone, signalled by changes in tones sent by the plummeting craft. Atmospheric drag, parachute...
At 6AM et, the Sun kicked out the third largest solar flare in recorded history. The sunspot that kicked it out also happened to be pointing right at the earth at the time. Scientists have been watching...
China became only the third nation to successfully launch a manned space mission today. Lt. Col Yang Liwei safely landed at 6:23am Thursday Morning, after 21 hours in orbit, circling the Earth 14 times in the Shenzhou V...
Asteroid 2003 QQ47 is about a kilometer wide and the impact on March 21, 2014 would have the effect of 20 Million Hiroshima atomic bombs. But we're not sure it will hit at all. The margin of error...

The Invisible Revealed

This Saturday, NASA will be launching the fourth and final telescope of the "Great Observatory Program" which began in the 70's. After the Hubble Telescope (1990), the Compton Gamma Ray Telescope (1991), and the Chandra X-ray telescope (1999),...

Mars Looms Large

Our planetary neighbors are making a visit later this month. On August 27, Mars will be less than 34.65 million miles away. This close encounter is extremely rare. The last time it was that close was...

Target: Mars

And they're off! A flotilla of spacecraft is heading to Mars in a race that will be reminicent of an Independance Day scene. Mars' orbit will be swinging it within 34.6 million miles of Earth, closer than...

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