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In Canada, Rogers is the only wireless provider that will be offering the iPhone.  They are the only ones with a GPRS network capable of 3G, so the monopoly is technological, not just contractual.  When they released their pricing,...

Sign of the Times

You know when you are in 2003 when... .. at the Japanese MTV Music Video awards, fans stick up their camera-phones to capture a shot of their idols.


So the iPod Touch and the iPhone have an accelerometer in it. They use it to detect when you tilt the device sideways and it will auto rotate your photos or whatever with it. What a waste!...
For us, sitting out on the cottage deck on a Sunday morning with a coffee and a newspaper has been the tradition for three generations. This weekend, we brought our son Jack, the fourth generation, up to the...
Now this is cool. Take a look at Microsoft Surface. When I first saw this site, I thought it was another cool concept like the iPod Packaging or, more recently, the oFone. This isn't a concept (well, not...

Analog to Digital

It's official. According to the International Photo Marketing Association, sales of digital cameras will outpace sales of film cameras in 2003. It's the latest product to turn the corner from analog to digital, as music did 15...

What is Origami?

A new website has appeared for the Origami Project, with alot of hype, and not alot of information. The site is registered to Microsoft corporation. It promises more details on Thursday, but it looks like basically a large PDA,...
What happens when you combine Microsoft marketing with Apple... hillarious! Thanks Jeff for passing this one on! EUXnJraKM3k
Researchers at IBM have found a way to use a hybrid transistor to control the flow of current through circuits. By using a technique normally used to make CMOS circuits more efficient, they have increased speeds three times,...
Microsoft released the Zune Player this week. This is simply the latest in the conquests for the MS Technology Life Cycle. Will the success rate halt with the Zune, or should Apple be worried?Most developers...
The long anticipated MacWorld keynote was today, and Steve Jobs confirmed the worst kept secret in technology circles, that Apple is about to release the phone of all phones, the iPhone. Yes it looks really cool. Yes,...

Optimus Ships!

The Optimus Mini Keyboard, long dismissed as "vapourware" has finally shipped! Gizmodo has theirs in, and I am anxiously checking my mailbox, as I pre-ordered one almost a year ago. In the meantime, here is the Gizmodo review. ...

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