Technology has made it easier than ever to telecommute or work with remote teams. At b5media, we have people working from around the world, and have tried and used dozens of tools to make that work go smoother.
Twitter has become my primary way of getting news these days. News sites require you to go and look for information. With twitter, if the news is important, it will find me. But what makes twitter so powerful...
The next version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8 went to Beta 2 yesterday, on its final path to release, probably this fall (although Microsoft hasn't announced a final release date yet). Although I almost exclusively use Firefox for...
Okay, we all know that we should be backing up our computers regularly. We have our entire lives on these machines. All of my digital pictures, music, every word document and spreadsheet I've done in the last 15...
The folks that brought us Kazaa to disrupt the music industry, then Skype to disrupt the telephone industry, now have a new target, and the cable and satellite folks have got to be watching closely.
Joost is the new product...
My earlier post about the ColorSchemer tool for generating a palette for your websites seems to have hit a nerve. I've got some other suggestions for sites that can help you create a palette:
Color Schemer (Mentioned earlier)
Color Blender
If your site is running slowly, and you are not sure what parts of it are taking a long time to download, take a peek at the OctaGate SiteTimer. Just plop in a URL, and it will download...
Another domain name search tool I use is AJAX Whois. It's not as fast or as responsive as the Instant Domain Search, but it doesn't give those false-positives I mentioned before, and it can also scan for .ca...
My favourite site for searching for available domain names is Instant Domain Search. It uses AJAX to search the availability of the name as you type it. It's really fast, so it's good if you are trying...
I can code a website with my eyes closed, but when it comes to picking colors or a design, I defer to the more creative types. Whether picking colors for a website, or decorating a room, I can...
Few technologies, including the web itself, have taken off as quickly as Instant Messaging. When people bring IM into the workplace, however, it can be both a productivity enhancer or a distraction. Certainly it acts as a...