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Watching the Watcher

For years, we have looked up into the sky; at the moon, the sun, the stars and the other planets. Now we have for the first time pictures of what Earth looks like from Mars. NASA's Mars...
Okay, I wouldn't recommend seeing "The Core", especially if you are looking for any scientific value, but the idea of exploring the interior of the Earth is quite compelling. David Stevenson proposes sending a probe the size of...
The Planet Mercury will travel between Earth and the Sun tomorrow morning providing a rare mini-eclipse between 3:50am ET and 9:17am ET on Wednesday Morning. Mercury will appear as a small dark spot travelling across the Sun with a diameter...
Scientists in Earthquake-prone California are working on a series of sensors that can detect an earthquake and give a warning a few seconds before an earthquake hits. This would give enough time to get children under their desks,...

Trubble for Hubble

One more of the gyroscopes used to steer the Hubble Space Telescope failed this week, sparking concern about the ongoing safety of the telescope. The telescope needs three gyroscopes to operate smoothly, and has six on board. ...


So what do you do once you have made billions in the dot-com business? The common answer seems to be to leave earth behind. Jeff Bezos (, Elon Musk (, John Carmack (coder of Doom and Quake) and Paul...


Scaled Composites has announced that they have been working on a project to launch the first non-government space-plane for the last two years. They demonstrated part of it in the Mojave Desert today. It is a two-part plane. ...

New Moons

A team of astronomers have been busy discovering moons this week, adding one more moon to Saturn, and six new moons to Jupiter. These add to the other 12 moons of Jupiter already discovered this year, bringing the...
Russia used a Progress M-47 supply ship to raise the orbit of the International Space Station to make its orbit about 5km longer. Since the US has suspended Shuttle flights after the Columbia break-up, this new orbit will...
Dutch scientists are experimenting with using simple water to cool the underside of spacecraft during re-entry. By placing a container of water in the nose of the craft, the water would have to boil off completely before the...

Seti@Home delayed

The much anticipated return of Seti@Home researchers to the Arecibo Observartory in Puerto Rico has been delayed by two solar flares last week. The researchers were returning to the Observatory to examine in detail the 150 most promising...
Seti@Home, widely considered to be the most successful distributed computing project yet, is taking its results to the next step. After over a million years of shared computing power through its Seti@Home screensaver, the Seti@Home team is returning to the...

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