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Hybrid Pics

Sorry for the delay, but a week of rain and drizzle don't make for very nice pictures. Here's my new hybrid!

Got it!

My Escape Hybrid has arrived! I've gotta say that the experience is really cool. At stoplights it's both satisfying and eerie how quiet it is! I've been keeping the heating fan off just to enhance the quiet, even...

It exists!

My Escape Hybrid is in! I don't pick it up until next week, but it's at the dealership being prepped! Woo Hoo!

Almost here

I got an email from my dealership today. Their first Ford Escape Hybrid has been delivered. I'm second on the list, and it should be "soon" - whatever that means. Can't wait!
You don't! A Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (HEV) uses both a gasoline engine and an electric DC motor. There are two main facts which make the combination of these two very efficient: - The DC motor is very powerful, giving...

Going Green

I took the plunge! I put in my order for a 2005 Ford Escape Hybrid (in Titanium Green of course)! When I take delivery this October, I will have one of only 4,000 being built in North...

Year of the Hybrid

With gas prices high, and staying high, hybrid electric vehicles are coming into thier own. It started back in 1999 with the Honda Insight, followed closely by the Toyota Prius. Last year, Honda introduced a hybrid version...

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