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Umm what did he say?

I'm usually pretty good at deciphering technobabble, but this is just too much! I started laughing 30 seconds in! Towards the end, I'm not even sure what language he's talking!

Optimus Ships!

The Optimus Mini Keyboard, long dismissed as "vapourware" has finally shipped! Gizmodo has theirs in, and I am anxiously checking my mailbox, as I pre-ordered one almost a year ago. In the meantime, here is the Gizmodo review. ...

Better late than never

I've finally moved up to 2001 technology and got myself an iPod (well, actually my wife got one from work that I have confiscated)! Okay, as much as Apple sucks at marketing Operating Systems (Sorry JK, but its...
At just 138g, the new Gigabeat G20 is the thinnest, lightest and smallest hard drive based portable music player on the market. It measures a mere 8.95 x 7.65 x 1.27cm, compared to Apple's iPod (10.25 x 6...
What happens when you combine Microsoft marketing with Apple... hillarious! Thanks Jeff for passing this one on! EUXnJraKM3k
Scientists in Manchester have assembled technology that enables cameras to see through fog. It filters out light that is reflected by water droplets in the air that obscures vision in fog. They are envisioning this technology for use in...

ATI Powers next Xbox

Toronto-based ATI Technologies has beaten out rival Nvidia to build the graphics chip for the next-generation Xbox. The Xbox contract accounted for 15-20 percent of Nvidia's sales over the past two years yet they have been trying to...
The concept of E-paper has been around and in development for a few years now, but it has been difficult to find a way to package it in a usable format. The folks at Seiko looked at this...

Pass it on

"Today at 6pm, Genova Street, to find out the truth. Pass it on." And they did. This simple text message exploded through the streets of Spain, spreading across the city, then the country through mobile phones, email...
Scientists at Princeton University and Hewlett-Packard are working on a new type of memory that is small, dense and cheap. It is based on polyethylenedioxythiophene, or Pedot for short. By placing a layer of the organic compound...

Toys with Toys

Most people are still using those old tube-based TV's in their homes, but Barbie could have her own Plasma for her doll house. Japan-based Takara Co. plans to start selling the 1.5" TV's for $166US. Oh,...

First Running Robot

Sony has demonstrated the first "running" robot. Well, it's more of a jog, but still pretty cool. It is the first robot to be able to manoever with both feet off the ground. It's brain knows enough about...

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