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Optimus Mini Arrives!

I recieved my Optimus Mini this afternoon, and after 9 months on the pre-order list, I've gotta say that I have mixed feelings. First, the good: It looks sweet! The images on the keys are bright and crisp....

Optimus Ships!

The Optimus Mini Keyboard, long dismissed as "vapourware" has finally shipped! Gizmodo has theirs in, and I am anxiously checking my mailbox, as I pre-ordered one almost a year ago. In the meantime, here is the Gizmodo review. ...
The ACCESS project uses a camera to track people in a hallway, then controls an intellibeam and a targetted speaker to freak out unsuspecting targets. Fun to watch, and also a great use of technology!
What happens when you combine Microsoft marketing with Apple... hillarious! Thanks Jeff for passing this one on! EUXnJraKM3k

More on Origami

Thanks Chris and Wajih for passing this on.

What is Origami?

A new website has appeared for the Origami Project, with alot of hype, and not alot of information. The site is registered to Microsoft corporation. It promises more details on Thursday, but it looks like basically a large PDA,...

Amazon vs. Apple

Amazon is trying to take on Apple by releasing its own music player and download service. Everyone seems to want a slice of Apple's pie.

Awesome Christmas Lights

Tis the season! rmgf60CI_ks
The concept of E-paper has been around and in development for a few years now, but it has been difficult to find a way to package it in a usable format. The folks at Seiko looked at this...
Here's a projector small enough to fit in your hand, weighs only 14 oz, and efficient enough to run off batteries. The downside: it can only do 800x600, but if that is enough for you, $699US is...
One CD holds 650Mb. A DVD holds 4.7Gb. The new Blu-ray discs hold 25Gb (50Gb dual sided)... Six companies, including Fuji and CMC have formed the Holographic Video Disc (HVD) Consortium working on technology to put a Terabyte...

Halo 2 on the way

Seen driving around downtown Toronto today....

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