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VeriSign, the company that has been given responsibility for assigning domain names (like, is being crushed under complaints about their new "Site Finder" service. The service redirects users that misspell domains to their advertising-supported search site. Professor David...

X10 to pay $4.3M

Three tech-saavy brothers in their parents home created the pop-up and pop-under technology and business model and entered into a contract with the now-well-known X10 wireless company. X10 refused to pay them for it. "These were young guys who...

Being sociable

Here's a list of some of the social networking sites I am on. Facebook Digg LinkedIn Flickr Reddit MySpace Newsvine Pownce StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Go ahead and friend me!

Microsoft and Yahoo

So Microsoft has thrown it down. After over a year of speculation, they have dropped a whopping $44.6 Billion to buy Yahoo in their bid to play "catch up" to Google. The Yahoo/Microsoft deal is not yet...
Following the tech boom in the 1990�s and the subsequent crash in 2000, many technology professionals ran for the hills looking for other professions. I have been asked many times if the technology industry is ready for a...

Move along…

The last year and a half has been a wonderfully exciting and eye-opening experience into the world of "Green". When Green Living Enterprises realized that they had an opportunity to have a real content-rich website instead of their...
The April issue of FastCompany magazine has a great look at the mind, technology and culture behind Google. To be a fly on the wall of a datacenter that processes 150 million searches per day, each within 0.2...

Smart Business from MSN

As a long-time advocate for building communities and loyalty through message boards and chat, I do acknowledge the inherant risks and dangers associated with such endeavors. MSN has announced that it is shutting down its popular chat service,...
Yesterday, we at b5media launched the third of our unique look at the blogs within our channels.  Splendicity is a new portal which pulls content from over 70 Beauty & Style blogs within the network, and pulls it all...
This past week, the technology team at b5media threw on the afterburners to get us moved onto an entirely new infrastructure.  After months of planning and investigating a dozen hosting providers, we have finally flipped the switch...
Always a fan of Jon Stewart and the Daily Show, when its word collides with the Net Neutrality debate and regulation of the Internet, fun is bound to ensue. Enjoy!
The much feared lawsuit of Eolas vs. Microsoft seems to be over, to the relief of Web professionals around the world. The US Patent and Trademark office has invalidated Eolas' patent on web browser plug-in technology. Last year, Eolas...

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